Have you ever thought about how we are able to stand and move through space without falling? Though maintaining balance seems like an automatic process that just happens, it actually involves a complex process. The brain receives information from the body about spatial awareness and position which allows us to maintain balance. But there are ways these systems can be …
Hearing Loss & Traumatic Brain Injury: Is There A Connection?
If you’ve ever experienced a traumatic brain injury, it is important to have your hearing health evaluated. Over three million head injuries occur every year according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) is the most severe type of head injury. It is estimated that 1 in 3 head injuries is a TBI. Studies …
Swallowing Disorders: Symptoms, Causes & Treatments
Swallowing occurs so naturally and automatically that we don’t often think about it. It is common to experience “food going down the wrong way” and coughing as a result from time to time. But swallowing disorders describe difficulty swallowing that occurs regularly. Known as dysphagia, swallowing challenges can impact health and wellness in everyday life. Figuring out if you experience …
Add Improved Hearing To Your New Year’s Health Goals!
The new year offers a fresh start. This is a perfect time to prioritize your hearing health and the practices to achieve your health goals. Integrating the following tips in the new year offers a useful roadmap on how you can improve your hearing health. Schedule a hearing test. Hearing loss is the third most common, chronic health condition people …
Why Are Sinus Problems Worse in Winter?
Winter is here. This time of year means lower temperatures, dryer air, and tends to include sinus issues. Whether it is the common cold or the flu, winter months can be filled with dealing with symptoms like a runny nose, sore throat, and congestion. The symptoms can cause greater alarm now with COVID. Understanding sinus issues, why exactly they are …
Scratchy Throat: Allergies or COVID?
Between allergies, the flu, and COVID; identifying the cause of symptoms you may experience can be tough and confusing. The CDC estimates that over 60 million people experience allergies. Typically, people with allergies know their triggers and how they respond to being exposed to those triggers: runny nose, sneezing, coughing, scratchy throat etc. But living through this ongoing pandemic that …
Hearing Loss & Vertigo: All About Meniere’s Disease
Meniere’s disease is an inner ear disorder that can affect hearing health and balance. Named after a French doctor who first identified the disorder in 1861, meniere’s disease impacts 1 out of 1,500 people. It is a relatively rare condition but one that there are no cures for. There are effective ways symptoms are managed, reducing the impact of meniere’s …
How to Prevent Swimmer’s Ear
Swimmer’s ear, medically referred to as otitis externa, is an infection of the ear canal. Though swimming is a common way this infection can occur, it is not the only cause. Learn more about swimmer’s ear and the ways you can prevent this type of infection. Causes Swimmer’s ear is a bacterial infection that is usually caused by water …
Osteoporosis and Hearing Loss
Did you know that people with osteoporosis can be twice as likely to experience hearing loss? Research shows that osteoporosis is a factor that increases the risk of developing impaired hearing. If you have osteoporosis, it is important to also prioritize your hearing health. What is Osteoporosis? Bones are living tissue that are constantly breaking down and being replaced …
Nutrients That Can Support Your Hearing Health
“You are what you eat” is a popular saying but what does it even mean? Well, quite simply – If you eat good food, you will be healthy, if you eat bad food, you will be unhealthy. What is good and bad food anyhow?! Plants from the earth and the creatures which consume those plants are rich with nutrients, minerals, and vitamins. They support all sort of …