Tips to Protect Your Hearing Health

Tips to Protect Your Hearing Health

In Hearing Health by Specialty Physician AssociatesLeave a Comment

Did you know that 1 in 5 people have some degree of hearing loss? Over 48 million people live with impaired hearing, making it the third most common health issue people experience today. Hearing loss reduces capacity to hear and process speech as well as sound, taking a toll on hearing and communication. This can affect relationships, social life, work performance, health, and overall wellness. Fortunately, there are safety measures you can practice to protect your hearing health. Integrating the following strategies in your everyday life can reduce your risk of developing hearing loss: 

  • Wear hearing protection. Hearing protection includes items like headphones, earplugs, earbuds, and earmuffs which provide a protective barrier for the ears. This reduces the amount of loud noise you absorb, reducing the impact of loud noise. These items are portable so you can access and wear hearing protection when moving through environments that are noisier. 
  • Invest in noise canceling headphones. If you use headphones or earbuds to listen to audio regularly, you may want to consider investing in noise canceling options. Many of us use headphones to listen to music, podcasts, and talk on the phone. When moving through spaces that are noisier, you may find yourself increasing the volume on your phone so that you are able to hear the audio. Noise canceling headphones are designed to reduce background noise to prevent you from having to turn up the volume. This allows you to listen to audio more safely. 
  • Maximize use of hearing aids. If you have diagnosed hearing loss and wear hearing aids, it is important to wear your device during waking hours. Hearing aids are essential items for people with hearing loss as they provide ample support with processing sound. In addition to always wearing your hearing aids, there are ways you can maximize them, including exploring the technologies they offer. Today’s hearing aids are more innovative than ever before. They offer a range of features that deliver enhanced sound quality, increased connectivity, and seamless hearing experiences. This includes wireless connectivity, digital noise reduction, voice recognition, tinnitus management, and downloadable apps to easily manage your hearing aid settings. Be sure to discuss these options with your hearing healthcare provider who can help you identify the features that are optimal for you. 
  • Reduce loud noise exposure. In addition to wearing hearing protection, there are several ways you can reduce your exposure to loud noise which is a common cause of hearing loss. A few ways you can do this include: maintain lower volume settings on your electronic devices, take listening breaks throughout the day, avoid noisy settings especially during peak hours, opt for quieter places, take alternate routes to avoid traffic or construction sites, drive with your windows rolled up to reduce environmental noise etc. 
  • Boost intake of nutrients. There are nutrients that support healthy hearing including potassium, magnesium, and folate . These nutrients support healthy blood flow, oxygen levels, cell and nerve health etc. which are integral components of how we process sound. These nutrients can be found in plant based foods like fruits and vegetables. Increase your intake of these nutrients by practicing healthier ways of eating and reducing your consumption of processed foods. 
  • Eliminate triggers. Extensive research shows that smoking and drinking can increase the risk of hearing loss. Experts suggest that smoking and drinking can affect blood flow throughout the body – including in the ears. Nicotine and alcohol can affect blood vessels by decreasing blood oxygen levels, slowing circulation throughout the body including the ears. This can impact how sound is absorbed and processed. Eliminating these triggers (or reducing your consumption) is a useful way you can protect your hearing health. 
  • Test hearing health regularly. Another strategy that can protect your hearing health is getting your hearing evaluated regularly. Integrating a hearing test in annual health check-ins allows you to track your hearing ehealth. This enables you to identify any changes you may experience over time and get symptoms treated early. Early intervention can significantly support the transition into better hearing health. 

Practicing these safety measures can significantly protect your hearing health adn wellness. Contact us today to learn more about the services, resources, and technologies that you can access to support your hearing health. 

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