Swallowing occurs so naturally and automatically that we don’t often think about it. It is common to experience “food going down the wrong way” and coughing as a result from time to time. But swallowing disorders describe difficulty swallowing that occurs regularly. Known as dysphagia, swallowing challenges can impact health and wellness in everyday life. Figuring out if you experience …
Why Are Sinus Problems Worse in Winter?
Winter is here. This time of year means lower temperatures, dryer air, and tends to include sinus issues. Whether it is the common cold or the flu, winter months can be filled with dealing with symptoms like a runny nose, sore throat, and congestion. The symptoms can cause greater alarm now with COVID. Understanding sinus issues, why exactly they are …
Do Adults Ever Get Tonsillectomies?
The tonsils are part of the lymphatic system that fights infection. They are two fleshy lumps of tissue at the back of the throat, one on each side. The tonsils help fight bacteria in the air that we breathe in. The tonsils produce cells that kill harmful germs and bacteria before they cause an infection. However, sometimes the tonsils …
How Much Sleep Do I Need?
Sleep is critical for health and wellness in countless ways. The amount and quality of sleep you receive impacts various aspects of life from metabolism, to brain health, and mood. Though sleep is a vital bodily function, an estimated 35% of adults receive less than the recommended amount. Additionally, 50 to 70 million adults have a sleep disorder which significantly …
Exercises to Help with Snoring
Snoring is one of the more common sleep phenomena, with 40% of women and 57% of men experiencing it habitually. It’s common for snoring to cause an issue for those we may share a bed with, but it can also disturb roommates or family members who sleep in separate rooms. Sometimes snoring can be so loud as to cause partners …
Understanding Laryngitis
Laryngitis is a common problem that many people will encounter in the course of a lifetime. Essentially, it is an inflammation of your larynx (voice box) that can happen due to overuse, infection, or irritation. Your vocal cords are two folds of mucous membrane that cover over some muscle and cartilage. They sit inside your larynx where they open and …
Adults with Hearing Loss at Higher Risk for Unemployment
Hearing loss is prevalent in the United States today, with roughly 48 million Americans living with measurable hearing loss. In the population, aged 65 and up, about one-third of people have hearing loss, and the number climbs to two-thirds by age 75. Nearly 100% of centenarians have hearing loss, so it is likely that we will all experience some hearing …